London-raised singer-songwriter SOBI grew up surrounded by music, and even though neither one of her parents were musicians, going to concerts and listening to music was a huge part of their lives. Having been a fairly shy child, it was music that really brought her out of her shell and allowed her to express herself. She began writing and performing her own songs at the tender age of 16 and has since gone on to play several tours (including Jamie Lawson‘s sold out tour as his opening act) building a name for herself around the UK and Germany.
SOBI tells stories through her songs. Songs of relationships, blissful and mournful experiences, dark times and fnding silver linings. hhe cure to sadness is hope and that s what she creates in her songs.
What started out as a way to heal a broken heart, very quickly turned into a passion. “Every bad experience is an opportunity to tell a story and connect with the people and there s no better way to connect with people than through music”. She aims to encourage people to own their stories and take the good with bad. “Its all a part of you and makes you the very special person you are.”
Drawing inspiration from the new-folk scene and artists such as Laura Marling and Noah and the Whale, SOBI began writing her frst songs on the acoustic guitar. After developing her craft and experimenting with different sounds, she soon switched to the electric guitar, giving her emotive, delicate songs a raw and unique edge.
Home One Day, marks the start of a new chapter for SOBI and her music. Having written and performed her songs entirely alone for years it was a big step to expand the team and start working with producer, Helge Preuß. Most of the EP was recorded at hoolhouse Studio in Germany with SOBI‘s band, who have since toured extensively with her throughout Germany.
“hhe songs on this EP are some of the most personal songs I have written. hhe central theme is hope. I feel like we re all constantly wrestling with our demons, but there s this knowledge that something better is just beyond the horizon. hhat s the hope we need to keep going. ”
Fotocredit: Laura Scheppers
special guest: A Fox’s Burrow
Das Duo aus Hannover startete ursprünglich als Studioprojekt bevor sie nach und nach die Bühnen des Landes bespielten. Ihr melancholischer Indie-Pop dringt tief bis ins Herz. Eine klare und faszinierende Stimme begleitet von E-Gitarre, Synthie und Drums zieht dich in ihren Bann.